Annual exam syllabus

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Class 1 EM Hindi

Class-1st Sub- Hindi
Annual Exam Syllabus 23-24

1. ओ की मात्रा – 2 अंक
2. औ की मात्रा – 2 अंक
3.अं की मात्रा – 2 अंक
4. अः की मात्रा – 2 अंक
5.पाठ 5 प्रार्थना 3 अंक
6.पाठ 6 बाघ और बकरी 2 अंक
7.पाठ 7 बाँसुरीवाला 3 अंक
8.पाठ 8 खिलौनेवाला आया है 2 अंक
9.पाठ 9 मित्रता 2 अंक
10.पाठ 10 कहाँ रहेगी चिड़िया 2 अंक
11.पाठ 11बगीचे की सैर 3 अंक
12.पाठ 12 कासिम की चतुराई 3 अंक
13.पाठ 13 शेर और चूहा 3 अंक
14.आवेदन पत्र 3 अंक
15.निबंध गाय 3 अंक
16.पठित गद्यांश 2 अंक
17.सुलेख 1 अंक
*Note* प्रश्न उत्तर, खाली स्थान, सही विकल्प, सही जोड़ी, चित्र देखकर नाम लिखना सही चित्र पर गोला, सही शब्द पर गोला, अक्षरों को जोड़कर शब्द बनाइये

Class 1 EM Eng

Anual exam syllabus

Lesson-5 Two Kites(6marks)
Lesson-6 Too big too small(6marks)
Lesson-7 They help(6marks)
Lesson-8 Billo visits a Shop of shapes(6marks)
Lesson-9 The fox and the crow(6marks)
Lesson-10 The little red hen(6marks)
Seen passage-(2marks)
Handwriting (2marks)

Hardword, meaning, question-answer, true-false, match the coloum,fill in the blanks,extra question- answer
(All book+copy work)

Class 1 EM Eng Grammar

Syllabus of term – ll exam 23-24
Class – 1st sub- English grammar

Lesson – 8 He, she it (3)
Lesson – 9 I and you( 3)
Lesson – 10 This, That , These, and Those(4)
Lesson -11 Take a break (2)
Lesson – 12 Describing words( 4)
Lesson – 13 Action words(4)
Lesson – 14 Is, am , are(4)
Lesson – 15 Has and have(4)
An application for sick leave(3)
Essay my best friend(5)

( Note – All try out + complete, circle the correct option, fill in the blanks, match the column etc.)

Class 1 EM Maths
Lesson 1- Number from 51to100. [5marks ]
Lesson -2 Comparing the number from 51-100. [5marks]
Lesson -3 Addition of greater number [5marks]
Lesson -4 Subtraction of greater number[5 marks]
Lesson -5 Money [4marks]
Lesson -6 Measurement. [4marks]
Lesson -7 Pattern and Fractions [4marks]
Lesson -8 Data Handling [4marks]
Table(2-10) [4marks]
Total-40 marks
Number name , before,after and between number , properties of addition and subtraction addition of money , patterns fraction ,choose the answers,fill in the blanks, table ,data handling, pictograph, math the following, number stories.

Class 1 EM Science

Term-2 syllabus 2024

Lesson 8.plants – our green friends (5 marks)
Lesson 9.animals around us (5 marks)
Lesson and homes of animals (5 marks)
Lesson 11.air around us (5 marks)
Lesson 12.we need water (5 marks)
Lesson (5 marks)
Lesson 14.our earth (5 marks)
Lesson 15.The sun, moon and stars (5 marks)

Fill in the blanks, circle the odd one, tick the correct answer, match the column, value corner ,true false,picture exercise all book exercise work and answer questions in copy…….

Class 1 EM SSc.

Syllabus of term II exam 2023-24
Class 1st sub. Sst

Lesson 7 School is fun. (5 marks)
Lesson 8 My classroom (5 marks)
Lesson 9 Our Neighbourhood (4 marks)
Lesson 10 People who help us (5 marks)
Lesson 11 Fun and Play (5 marks)
Lesson 12 Festival and Fun (5 marks)
Lesson 13 Be good (5 marks)
Lesson 14 My country India (6 marks)

Note : Tick the correct option, match the column, fill in the blanks, wTrue/ false, one word que. Ans., extra questions, Answer the following questions, Gear up, pit stop, map work included in syllabus.

Class 2 EM Hindi

Class 2nd Sub-Hindi
Annual Exam Syllabus 23-24
1.पाठ 10 बुराई का बदला भलाई 4 अंक
2. पाठ 11 सब्जियों का संसार 3 अंक
3.पाठ 12 क्रिसमस 3 अंक
4.पाठ 13 चंदामामा 3 अंक
5.पाठ 14 कुएँ का मेढक 3 अंक
6.पाठ 15 खरगोश की चतुराई 3 अंक
7.पाठ 16 उड़ना आया 3 अंक
8. पाठ 17 राजा और नौकर 3 अंक
9.पाठ 18 होली आई ‌‌ 4 अंक
10.आवेदन पत्र ‌‌ 3 अंक
11.अनुच्छेद लेखन 5 अंक
12.पठित गद्यांश 2 अंक
13.सुलेख 1 अंक

*Note* सही विकल्प,खाली स्थान ,सही जोड़ी,सही शब्द पर गोला लगाइए,सही गलत, सही शब्द पर सही का निशान लगाइए, एकवचन , विलोम शब्द, लिंग बदलना,पर्यायवाची,बहुवचन,प्रश्न उत्तर,आवेदन पत्र, अनुच्छेद लेखन दिवाली ,पठित गद्यांश,सुलेख

Class 2 EM Eng

Anual exam syllabus

Lesson-6 To buy a handkerchief(7marks)
Lesson-7 Vayu the wind(7marks)
Lesson-8 The red raincoat(7marks)
Lesson-9 Today i am(8marks)
Lesson-10 The fox and the stork(7marks)
Seen passage(2marks)
Handwriting (2marks)

Hardword, meaning, question-answer, true-false, match the coloum,fill in the blanks,extra question- answer
(All book+copy work)

Class 2 EM Eng Grammar

Syllabus of term- ll exam – 23-24
Class – 2nd sub- English grammar

Lesson – 11 Mine, yours, His/Her, Ours, Theirs (3)
Lesson – 12 Describing words(4)
Lesson – 13 Action word (3)
Lesson – 14 Is ,are ,am(2)
Lesson – 15 Was , Were(2)
Lesson – 16 Have, has, had(2)
Lesson – 17 Do(4)
Lesson – 18 Modifying word(3)
Lesson – 19 In, on, under, behind(3)
Lesson – 20 And (2)
An application for sick leave(3)
Essay On my school Bag(5)

( Note – All try out + Complete
Fill in the blank, circle the correct option, match the column etc.)

Class 2 EM Maths
Class -2nd
Lesson -1 Number up to 1000. [4marks]
Lesson -2 Addition and subtraction of greater number [4marks]
Lesson -3 Multiplication. [4marks]
Lesson -4 Division. [4marks]
Lesson -5 Fraction and patterns [5marks]
Lesson -6 Measurement. [5marks]
Lesson -7 Solid shapes [5marks]
Lesson -8 Data Handling [5marks]
Table (2-10) [4marks]
Toal- 40 marks
Number name , Before the number,expand form , property of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,solid shapes,pictograph choose the correct ,fill in the blanks, addition , subtraction multiplication division of two Digit numbers
Number stories .

Class 2 EM Science

Term 2 syllabus 2024

Lesson for good health (5 marks)
Lesson 9.air around us (5 marks)
Lesson 10.water and it’s forms (5 marks)
Lesson 11.The sun and our shadow (5 marks)
Lesson 12.seasons and clothing (5 marks)
Lesson 13.different types of houses (5 marks)
Lesson habits and first aid (5 marks)
Lesson 15.our earth (5 marks)

Tick the correct answer, fill in the blanks, circle the odd one, match the column, value corner, true false, picture exercise, activity picture exercise, all book exercise work and answer questions in copy….. …..

Class 2 EM SSc.

Syllabus of term II exam 2023-24
Class 2nd sub. Sst

Lesson 8 It’s celebration time (5 marks)
Lesson 9 My country (5 marks)
Lesson 10 Great Personalities of India (5 marks)
Lesson 11 Means of Transport (5 marks)
Lesson 12 Let’s communicate (5 marks)
Lesson 13 Time (5 marks)
Lesson 14 Directions (6 marks) (map work)
Lesson 16 Our home planet: Earth ( 4 marks )

Note : Tick the correct option, match the column, fill in the blanks, True/ false, one word que. Ans., extra questions, Answer the following questions, Gear up, pit stop, all book work and map work included in syllabus.

Class 3 EM Hindi

Class 3rd Subject -Hindi
Annual Exam Syllabus 2023-24
1.पाठ 11 हम बढ़ते जाएँगे 3 अंक
2.पाठ12 उड़ान 3 अंक
3. पाठ 13मूर्ख जुलाहा 3 अंक
4.पाठ 14 मीठी बोली 3 अंक
5.पाठ15सृष्टि निश्चय ही सुंदर है 3 अंक
6.पाठ 16 सच्चा बालक 3 अंक
7. पाठ 17 पेड़ 3 अंक
8. पाठ 18 ईद 3 अंक
9. पाठ 19 रंगबिरंगे पत्र 3 अंक
10. अनुच्छेद लेखन 5 अंक
11.निमंत्रण पत्र ( जन्म दिन में बुलाने हेतु) 5 अंक
12. पठित गद्यांश 2 अंक
13 सुलेख 1 अंक
*Note* सही विकल्प, खाली स्थान, सही जोड़ी, सही गलत, एक वचन बहुवचन, विलोम शब्द, पर्यायवाची शब्द, , वाक्य प्रयोग, लिंग बदलिए, प्रश्न उत्तर(एक वाक्य), प्रश्न उत्तर, आवेदन पत्र,अनुच्छेद लेखन(पर्यावरण , वृक्ष का महत्व,हमारा राष्ट्रीय पक्षी मोर, गुरु का महत्त्व) पठित गद्यांश, सुलेख

Class 3 EM Eng

Anual exam syllabus

Lesson-7 The rainbow(6marks)
Lesst-8 How the bear lost his tail(6 marks)
Lesson-9 Pinocchio(6marks)
Lesson-10 The Mullah’s dinner party(6marks)
Lesson-11 The balloon man(6 marks)
Lesson-12 Sharing the harvest(6 marks)
Seen passage (2 marks)
Handwriting (2 marks)

Hardword, meaning, question-answer, true-false, match the coloum,fill in the blanks,extra question- answer
(All book+copy work)

Class 3 EM Eng Grammar

Class 3rd
Annual exam syllabus
Subject – English grammar

1.Action verb (3)marks
2. Helping verb (2)marks
3. Short form (2)marks
4. Simple present tense (2)marks
5. Present continuous tense (2)marks
6. Simple past tense ( what I did yesterday) (2) marks
7 simple past tense( Irregular verbs) (3)marks
8. Expressing future time (3) marks
9.Take a break (2) marks
10. Models (2) marks
11. Adverb of manner times and place (2) marks
12. Preposition of place/ timeb (2)marks
13.Conjunction (2) marks
14. Interjection (2)marks
15. Comprehension (2)marks
16. An application for sick leave (3) marks
17. Essay my school bag (5)marks

*Note*( All try out + complete, circle the correct option, fill in the blanks, match the column etc.)

Class 3 EM Maths
Lesson -1 Division [5marks]
Lesson -2 Fraction. [5marks]
Lesson -3 Length. [5marks]
Lesson -4 Mass. [5marks]
Lesson -5 Capacity [4marks]
Lesson -6 Line and line segment [4marks]
Lesson -7 Mental calculation [4marks]
Lesson -8 Data Handling. [4marks]
Table(2-10)- [4marks]
Total-40 marks
Property of Division, type of fraction ,simplest form , equivalent fractions, Ascending, descending of fraction , conversion of Cm to M , conversion of kg to g , addition of mass , conversion of Litre to ML , type of Line and segment add the number on short form , number stories ,data handling.

Class 3 EM Science




1. Chapter-1 Human body(5 marks)
2. Chapter-2-Food and nutrition (6 marks
3. Chapter-3- Health and hygiene(5 marks
4. Chapter-4- Matter and its properties(6 marks)
5. Chapter-5-Weather and seasons (Diagram based) (6 marks)
6. Chapter-6-Universe and the solar system (6 marks)
7. Chapter-7 our environment(6 marks)

Note:-Diagram, fill in the blanks, choose the correct option, match the following, true false, worksheets, short que ans, long que ans included in syllabus.

*Integrated activity and experimental learning, meaning, inside questions not included in syllabus*

Class 3 EM SSc.

Syllabus of term II exam 2023-24
Class 3rd sub. Sst

Lesson 8 Delhi (map work)(6 marks)
Lesson 9 Mumbai (map work) (6 marks)
Lesson 10 Kolkata ( map work) (5 marks)
Lesson 11 Chennai ( map work) (5 marks)
Lesson 12 Early humans (5 marks)
Lesson 13 Environment (5 marks)
Lesson 14 What we do(4 marks)
Lesson 15 Transport and communication ( 4 marks )

Note : Tick the correct option, match the column, fill in the blanks, extra questions, Answer the following questions, hots, VBQ, Life skills, Gear up, pit stop, map work included in syllabus.

Class 4 EM Hindi

11 हिदायतें (3)
12 माउंट आबू की सैर (3)
13 चांद का कुर्ता (3)
14 भास्कराचार्य महान गणितज्ञ एवं अंतरिक्ष विज्ञानी (3)
15 ओलंपिक खेल(3)
16 गोपाल का बगीचा(3)
17 धरती माता गीत सुनाती(4)
18 सुनहरी मछली (4)
19 अब्राहम लिंकन (4)

1. पठित गद्यांश(2)
2. सुलेख(2)
3. मित्र को जन्मदिन पर आमंत्रित करने के लिए पत्र।
3 दिन की छुट्टी के लिए प्राचार्य महोदय को आवेदन पत्र।(3)
4. अनुच्छेद लेखन( कोई एक) (3)
चंद्रमा की सैर, भारत सोने की चिड़िया, मेरी मां
( बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न, खाली स्थान भरो, वचन बदलकर लिखो, वाक्य प्रयोग, क्रिया शब्द पहचानिए, विलोम शब्द, वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द लिखिए, शुद्ध कीजिए, शब्दार्थ)

Class 4 EM Eng

Mona Modern English Medium School

Syllabus for Term 2 exam
Class..4th Sub .. English

1. Lesson 7 The selfish Giant….7 mark
2. Lesson 8 The Swing…6 mark
3. Lesson 9 What’s your dream… 7 mark
4. Lesson 10 Faithful Hachiko ….7 mark
5. Lesson 11 When Frankenstein was just a kid….6 mark
6. Lesson 12 Aladdin and the wonderful lamp ….7 mark

Note…. All book work , all questions answers , seen passage , writing ring from lesson 9 , meaning from lesson 10 , hard words

Class 4 EM Eng Grammar

Mona model English medium school sarangarh

Term 2 syllabus of Eng grammar
Class 4th

1. Lesson 16 – Adjective (2M)
2. Lesson 17- Degree of comparison (2M)
3. Lesson 18 – pronouns -(2M)
4. Lesson 19- Subject -verb agreement (1M)
5. Lesson 20- Modal auxiliary (1M)
6. Lesson 21- Simple present tense (2M)
7. Lesson 22- Present continuous tense (2M)
8. Lesson 23- Present perfect tense (2M)
9. Lesson 24- Simple past tense ( 2M)
10. Lesson 25- Past continuous tense (2M)
11. Lesson 26- Expressing future time (2M)
12. Lesson 27- Future continuous (2M)
13. Lesson 28- Transitive and intransitive verbs (1M)
14. Lesson 29- Contraction (1M)
15. Lesson 30- Active and passive voice (2M)
16. Lesson 31- Adverbs(2M)
17. Lesson 32- prepositions (1M)
18. Lesson 33- conjunctions (1M)
19. Lesson 34- Interjection (1M)
20. Lesson 35- Comprehension (2M)- B. Making music

21. Write a paragraph on a) My science project or b) school sports day (4M)

22. Write a letter to your cousin describing a cultural program in your annual function. what did you do ? your participation in the programme.
Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to a city tour with you and your parents.(3M)

Note- all exercise work will be included in the exam

Class 4 EM Maths

Mona Modern English Medium school Sarangarh
Term 2 Exam 2024 syllabus
Class- 4th
Subject- Maths MM.40
Chapter 01 Decimal – 05

Chapter 03 Profit and Loss-05

Chapter 03 Length-05

Chapter 04 Mass -05

Chapter 05 Capacity-05

Chapter 06 Perimeter and area-05

Chapter 07 Symmetry and Tessellation-03

Chapter 08 Data Handling -04

Table 2 to 15 – 03

Note – All Exercises ,Worksheet, Pentagon Knowledge ,Take off ,Value based Questions
Type of Questions -Fill in the blank ,Match the following ,True and False,Tick the correct answer ,Number of story ,Diagram Problem solving ,Table

Class 4 EM Science




1. Chapter -1 safety and firstaid(5 marks)
2. Chapter-2-Matter and its properties(6 marks)
3. Chapter-3-Separation of substances(Diagram based)(5 marks)
4. Chapter-4-Air and water (Diagram based)(6 marks)
5. Chapter-5-Soil and crops (Diagram based)(6 marks)
6. Chapter-6 energy (6 marks)
7. Chapter-7 our earth and moon (6 marks)

Note:-Diagram, fill in the blanks, choose the correct option, match the following, true false, worksheets, short que ans, long que ans included in syllabus.

*Integrated activity and experimental learning , meaning, inside questions not included in syllabus*

Class 4 EM SSc.

Mona Modern English Medium School

Syllabus for Term 2 exam
Class ..4th Sub ….Sst

1. Lesson 11. Livestock….4 mark
2. Lesson 12 Indian industries…4 mark
3. Lesson 13 … Human resources…4 mark
4. Lesson. 14 transport…4 mark
5. Lesson. 15 communication….4 mark
6. Lesson 16 our history….4 mark
7. Lesson 08 Water resources.. 4 mark
8. Lesson 9 Mineral resources… 4 mark
9. Lesson 10 Agriculture in India…. 4 mark
10. Lesson 17 Great Indiana … 4 mark

Note….. All book work , All questions answers, Hots , VBQ , Life skill , Gear up question, map work ( Lesson 10, 13)

Class 5 EM Hindi
9. ओणम (3)
10 सबसे बढ़कर कौन (3)
11 मूल्य मरता नही(3)
12 दो बैलों की कथा(3)
13 इनसे सीखो(3)
14 फलों की चौपाल (3)
15 भूलोंक के शांति दूत(4)
16 वीर (4)
17 पेड़ पौधे और हमारा जीवन (4)
1. पठित गद्यांश(2)
2. सुलेख(2)
3. मित्र को जन्मदिन पर आमंत्रित करने के लिए पत्र।
ऐतिहासिक भ्रमण पर ले जाने हेतु प्राचार्य महोदय को पत्र आवेदन पत्र।(3)
4. अनुच्छेद लेखन( कोई एक) (3)
आदर्श मित्र,फलों का महत्व, उत्तम विद्या
( बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न, खाली स्थान भरो, वचन बदलकर लिखो, वाक्य प्रयोग, पर्यायवाची, विलोम शब्द, समानार्थी शब्द, शुद्ध कीजिए, शब्दार्थ)

Class 5 EM Eng

Mona Modern English Medium School

Syllabus for Term 2 exam
Class..5th Sub .. English

1. Lesson 7 An echo in my room ….7 mark
2. Lesson 8 The worthy successor ….7 mark
3. Lesson 9 The Brave Little kite….6. Mark
4. Lesson 10 Mice that ate iron….7 mark
5. Lesson 11 The banyan tree…6 mark
6. Lesson 12 Spectacle for the Headman….7 mark

Note…. All book work , all questions answers , writing ring from lesson 8 , meaning from lesson 8 and 10 , hard words

Class 5 EM Eng Grammar

Mona model English medium school sarangarh

Term 2 syllabus of Eng grammar
Class 5th

1. Lesson 14- Verbs (1M)
2. Lesson 15- Modal auxiliary (2M)
3. Lesson 16- Direct and indirect objects (2M)
4. Lesson 17- Subject -Verb agreement (1M)
5. Lesson 18- Simple present tense (2M)
6. Lesson 19- Present continuous tense (2M)
7. Lesson 20- present perfect tense (2M)
8. Lesson 21- simple past tense (2M)
9. Lesson 22- Past continuous tense (2M)
10. Lesson 23- Past perfect tense (2M)
11. Lesson 24- Expressing future time (2M)
12. Lesson 25- Adverbs (2M)
13. Lesson 26- Preposition (2M)
14. Lesson 27- Conjunctions (1m)
15. Lesson 31- composition (3M)
16. Lesson 32- Vocabulary (1M)
17. Lesson 33- synonyms and antonyms (1M)
18. Lesson 36- comprehension -Dolphins facts(2M)
19.Letter writing – a) write a letter to your grandmother describing an enjoyable celebration of Diwali.
b) Thanku letter to a friend spending an enjoyable day (3M)
20. Write an essay on a) A pleasant trip or b) The weather or c) My friend (1+2.5+1.5=5)
Describe -a) Introduction b) body of your essay c) conclusion

Note- all exercise work will be included in the exam.

Class 5 EM Maths

Mona Modern English Medium school Sarangarh
Term 2 Exam 2024 syllabus
Class- 5th
Subject- Maths MM.40

Chapter 01 Unitary Method – 05
Chapter 02 – Data Handling and Average -05
Chapter 03 Profit and Loss -5.5
Chapter 04 Symmerty -03
Chapter 05 Metric Measure 5.5
Chapter 06 Time and Temperature -5.5
Chapter 07 Angles -5.5
Chapter 08 Mapping -02
Table 2 to 20 – 03

Note – All Exercises ,Worksheet, Pentagon Knowledge ,Take off ,Value based Questions
Type of Questions -Fill in the blank ,Match the following ,True and False,Tick the correct answer ,Number of story ,Diagram Problem solving Bar Graph Data Handling ,Table,

Class 5 EM Science



1. Chapter -1 Communicable and non communicable diseases(5 marks)
.Chapter-2-Environmental sanitation(6 marks)
3. Chapter-3-Force and work (Diagram based)(5 marks)
4. Chapter-4- Aur and its uses( diagram based)(6 marks)
5. Chapter-5-Natural resources(6 marks)
6. Chapter-6 light and sound (diagram based)(6 marks)
7. Chapter-7 natural disaster and calamities (6 marks)

Note:-Diagram, fill in the blanks, choose the correct option, match the following, true false, worksheets, short que ans, long que ans included in syllabus.

*Integrated activity and experimental learning , inside questions, meaning,not included in syllabus*

Class 5 EM SSc.

Mona Modern English Medium School

Syllabus for Term 2 exam
Class ..5th Sub ….Sst

1 Lesson 9. Major landforms .5 mark

2 Lesson 10 . Environment and pollution 5mark

3. Lesson 11. Natural Disaster…5 mark

4. Lesson 12 Transport…5 mark

5. Lesson 13 … Communication…4 mark

6. Lesson. 14 Coming of the British and the Revolt of 1857…4 mark

7. Lesson. 15 Freedom struggle Before Mahatma Gandhi ….4 mark

8. Lesson 16 India wins Freedom (1915-1947)….4 mark

9. Lesson 17 Some people Never Die….4 mark

Note….. All book work , mile stone of all the chapters, All questions answers, Hots , VBQ , Life skill , Gear up question, map work ( Lesson 11, 12)

Class 6 EM Hindi

Mona Modern English Medium School Sarangarh
Syllabus for Annual Exam 2023-24
*Class – 6 th* *Subject – Hindi
Time : 3H MM. : 60
पाठ 8 हमारे प्रेरणा स्रोत (4अंक)
पाठ 9 हवा पानी का मुकदमा (4 अंक)
पाठ 10. जब जागे तब सबेरा (4अंक )inner side.queston
पाठ 11. आओ पेड़ लगाएँ
(4अंक )inner side.ques tion
पाठ 12. आत्मबलिदान (4अंक )
पाठ 13. चरैवेति चरैवेति :(4अंक )
पाठ 14. अध्यापक के नाम पत्र (4अंक )
पाठ 15. पुष्प की अभिलाषा
(4अंक )
पाठ 16. मूर्खो की सूची (3अंक )

*अपठित बोध*
1. अपठित गद्यांश (2 अंक)
2. अपठित काव्यांश (2 अंक
पाठ -12 समास ( 2 अंक)
पाठ -13. संज्ञा ( 1 अंक)
पाठ -14. लिंग ( 1 अंक)
पाठ – 15. वचन ( 1 अंक)
पाठ – 16. कारक( 2अंक)

Note – पठित गद्यांश , पठित कव्यांश (बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न ,अति लघु उत्तरीय, लघु उत्तरीय ,दीर्घ उत्तरीय ,कल्पना व अनुमान, भाषा बोध से व्याकरण संवंधित प्रश्न , मूल्य आधारित प्रश्न)

*पत्र लेखन (4)*
स्वरचित कविता पाठ प्रतियोगिता में प्रथम स्थान पाने के लिए मित्र को बधाई पत्र लिखिए
अपने क्षेत्र की समुचित सफाई हेतु नगर निगम के स्वास्थ्य अधिकारी को पत्र लिखिए

*निबंध लेखन(6) कोई एक
१.दूरदर्शन लाभ और हानि
2. खेलो का महत्व
3.वृक्ष हमारे मित्र

*वर्तनी* – (2)
*सुलेख* – (2)

Class 6 EM Eng

Mona Modern English Medium School

Syllabus for Term 2 exam
Class – 6th Sub. – English

1. Lesson 8 – the second voyage (7 marks)

2. Lesson 9 – laughing song (7 marks)

3. Lesson 10 – patriotism (8 marks)

4. Lesson 11 – go not to the temple (7 marks)

5. Lesson 12 – how the camel got his hump (8 marks)

6. Lesson 13 – song of a dream (8 marks)

7. Lesson 14 – the world’s best dress(8 marks)

8. Unseen passage – 5 marks

9. Handwriting – 2 marks

*Note* – word meaning, all types of questions answers ( comprehension, Context, literature based, think and answers, value wheel) , word wall , grammar gala, study stall, writing ring, tune in and talk .
*Inside question answer of lesson 8 the second voyage and lesson 12 How the camel got his hump .

Class 6 EM Eng Grammar

Mona Modern English Medium school Sarangarh
Term 2 Exam 2024 syllabus
Class- 6th
Subject- English Grammar MM.60

Chapter1 – Possessive 02
Chapter 2- Adjectives 03
Chapter 3 -Degree of comparison 03
Chapter 4- Finite and Non Finite 03
Chapter 5- States Verbs 02
Chapter 6-Questions Tags 03
Chapter 7-Modal Auxiliary 03
Chapter 08 Active and Passive voice 04
Chapter09 Present simple and Continuous 03
Chapter 10 Past simple and Continuous 03
Chapter11 – Present perfect 02
Chapter12 – Expressing Future02
Chapter 13 Direct and Indirect Narration –
•Simple sentences 02
• Interrogative Sentences 02
Progress Test 03 – 04
•Message writing – 03M
•Application /Letter- 04M
1.Here is an application written by Ramanpreet kour to the Principal of her school seeking permission to join extra English classes.
2. Yours friends who spent her vacation with you,left behind some of her belongings by mistake.Write a letter to your friend assuring her that you have kept her things safe
•Essay writing -06
1.An Important Object
2.A Terrible Trip –
•Passage – Progress Test 02 (Page no.141)Tiger Island 04M
•Handwriting- 02M

Class 6 EM
Maths – I (MM – 40)
1.Lesson -5 Fraction (8M)
2. Lesson – 6 Decimals (8M)
3.Lesson -7 Introduction to Algebra (7M)
4.Lesson -8 Linear Equations (7M)
5.Lesson – 16 Data Handling (7M)
Table – 3M ( 15 – 20)

Maths-II (MM – 20)
1.chapter 13 Construction (7M)
2.chapter 14 Symmetry (6M)
3.chapter 15 Perimeter and area (7M)

Important Information
All Exercise
Maths in Action
Mental Maths
Value Based Questions
Inside Questions(Intoduction to Algebra and Symmetry)

Class 6 EM Science-1 (MM-40)
Mona modern English medium school Sarangarh

Term-2 syllabus
Subject- Science-1

1. Lesson-5 Sorting Materials into Groups ( 8 marks)
2. ⁠ Lesson-6 Changes Around Us (8 marks)
3. ⁠ Lesson- 7 Things around us( 8 marks)
4. ⁠ Lesson-8 Getting to know plants ( 8 marks)
5. Lesson-10 Habitat of the living ( 8 marks )
Notes- Objective type questions, fill in the blanks, true and false, match the columns, very short type questions, short type questions, distinguish between type questions, long answer questions, skill builder, diagram based questions,one word and give two examples.

Class 6th science II (MM – 20)
1.chapter 13 Light shadow and Reflection (7M)
2.Chapter 14 Electricity and Circuit (7M)
3.Chapter 15 Water and its importance (6M)

Inside Que (ch 13 Light shadow and Reflection)

*Important information*
*Choose the correct answer
*Fill in the blanks
*True false
*Match the column
*One word and 2 examples of each
*Diagram based Que
*All types of questions (short,long, distinguish)
*Skill builder
*Thinking like a scientist

Class 6 EM SSc.
1.Lesson no.15 Rotation and Revolution. (3)
2.Lesson no.16 Maps and Map Reading. (3)
3.Lesson no.17 Realms of the earth. (4)
4.Lesson no.18 Continents and ocean. (4)
5.Lesson no.20 India-Physical features. (4)
Social and Political life
1.Lesson no.25 What is Government. (4)
2.Lesson no.26 Essence of Democracy. (3)
3.Lesson no.29 Rural Administration. (4)
4.Lesson no.30 Rural livelihoods. (3)
5.Lesson no.31 Urban Livelihoods. (3)

*Map work-Lesson 20
*Inside questions -Lesson no 15



1. Lesson 7 new ideas and new religions…. 5 mark
2. Lesson 8 the first empire the mauryas…. 4 mark
3. Lesson 9 the second urbanization…. 4 mark
4. Lesson 10 reaching out to distant lands…. 4 mark
5. Lesson 11 India from the 4th century CE to the 7th century CE…. 4 mark
6. Lesson 6 the age of Empire and assemblies…. 4 mark
# MAP WORK ( lesson 7,8)
# INSIDE ( lesson 10 Reaching out to distant land)

-Fill in the blanks
-choose the correct answer
-True and false
-Match the rows
-Extra question
-Very short questions
-Short question
-Long question
-Value based questions
-Analytical skill, Understanding skill,Fact files
-Map work, Diagram based questions, Picture study

Class 6 EM Sanskrit

Mona Modern English Medium School Sarangarh
Syllabus for Annual Exam 2023-24
*Class – 6 th* *Subject – Sanskrit*
Time : 3H MM. : 60
पाठ 9. – एष शिक्षकः (5अंक )
पाठ 10. मृगशाला (5अंक )
पाठ 11. अहं कदलीफलम (5अंक )
पाठ 15. मम भारतमाता
(5अंक )

पाठ 12. वयं क्रीडका:(4.अंक )
पाठ 13. यान गच्छति :(5अंक )
पाठ 14. वन आपणम (5अंक )पाठ 16. ग्रामे मेलापक:(5अंक )

*अपठित गद्यांश* – (3)
शब्दरूप – (6 अंक )
देव, लता
*पत्र लेखन (5)*
स्वविद्यालयस्य वर्णनं कुर्वन् मित्रं प्रति पत्रम लिखतु
त्रय दिवसस्य अवकाशाय प्रधानाचार्य प्रति प्रार्थना पत्रम

*निबंध लेखन(5)
जैविक उद्यान , अस्माकं राष्ट्रीय प्रतीकम
*वर्तनी* – (1)
*सुलेख* – (1)
Note ., शब्दार्थ , अभ्यास प्रश्न के सभी प्रश्न उत्तर श्लोक
Inside Questions will come lesson 10 and 16


Class 7 EM Hindi

*Mona Modern Eng. Med. School Sarangarh*
*Term – 2 Examination 2023-24 Syllabus*
*Class – 7th Subject – Hindi*
*अपठित बोध*
1. अपठित गद्यांश (2 अंक)
2. अपठित काव्यांश (2 अंक)

3. पाठ – 8 अशोक का शस्त्र त्याग (5 अंक)
4. पाठ – 9 जगमग दीप जलाएँ (4 अंक)
5. पाठ – 10 हेर – फेर (6 अंक) (आतंरिक प्रश्न)
6. पाठ – 11 दया और प्रेम की मूर्ति : मदर टेरेसा (5 अंक)
7. पाठ – 12 फूल और काँटे (4अंक)
8. पाठ – 13 स्वर्ण मरिचिका (6 अंक)
9. पाठ – 14 नीलकंठ (5 अंक)

10. पाठ – 14 संज्ञा (1 अंक)
11. पाठ – 15 लिंग (1 अंक)
12. पाठ – 16 वचन (1 अंक)
13. पाठ – 17 कारक (1 अंक)
14. पाठ – 23 अव्यय (क्रिया विशेषण) (1 अंक)
15. पाठ – 24 वाक्य (1 अंक)
16. पाठ – 27 मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ (1 अंक)
17. पाठ – 41 पत्र – लेखन (4 अंक)
– (1.अपने क्षेत्र के डाक वितरण की अव्यवस्था और अनियमितता की शिकायत करते हुए डाकपाल अधिकारी को पत्र लिखिए।
2. अपने साथ गर्मियों की छुट्टियां बिताने के लिए आमंत्रित करते हुए अपनी सखी को पत्र लिखिए।
18. पाठ – 42 निबंध – लेखन (6 अंक) – ( 1. अच्छा स्वास्थ्य : महावरदान 2. राष्ट्रीय एकता 3. प्रदूषण )
19. वर्तनी (2 अंक)
20. सुलेख (2 अंक)
(Important Information – All tpye question, mcqs based, fill in the blanks, True/ false, very short question, short question, long question, language comprehension, hots based, Value base question, creation and expression, inside question will be come)

Class 7 EM Eng

Mona Modern English Medium School

Syllabus for Term 2 exam
Class – 7th Sub. – English

1. Lesson 8 – vocation ( 8 marks)

2. Lesson 9 – through the looking glass( 7 marks)

3. Lesson 10- tiger (8 marks)

4. Lesson 11- lazy mama(7 marks)

5. Lesson 12 – summer sun (7 marks)

6. Lesson 13- how the seasons got their share( 8 marks)

7. Lesson 14 – the pied Piper of hamelin (8 marks)

8. Unseen passage – 5 marks

9. Handwriting – 2 marks

*Note* – word meaning, all types of questions answers ( comprehension, Context, literature based, think and answers, value wheel) , word wall , grammar gala, study stall, writing ring, tune in and talk , definition( word wall and grammar gala)

*Inside question answer of lesson 10 Tiger and lesson 13 How the season got their share

Class 7 EM Eng Grammar

Mona Modern English Medium school Sarangarh
Term 2 Exam 2024 syllabus
Class- 7th
Subject- English Grammar MM.60

Chapter 01 -Adjective –03

Chapter-02 Verbs transitive intransitive -03

Chapter- 03 Simple present and present continuous -03

Chapter- 04 Simple past and past continuous 03

Chapter 05 The present perfect and the simple past tense -03

Chapter – 06 Expressing future tense-03

Chapter -07 Infinitives To+ -03

Chapter – 08 Gerund-03

Chapter – 09 Active voice passive voice-05

Chapter 10- Model of ability and obligasation-03

Chapter -11 Adverbs 04

Chapter 12 Narration 05

•Writing ads Announcement – 03

•Application /Letter 04
1.Write an application to your Principal seeking permission to avail the school transport facility for a week .
2.Write an Application to the principal of your school for issue of a duplicate identity card since you have lost your original one

•Essay writing 06
1.Impact of Television Programmes on Children
2.Influence of Internet on Children

Passage -Page no.108 Leonardo da Vinci Artist and Visionary – 04 M
Handwriting 02

Note – Inside and Outside questions Chapter -Tense all and Active voice and Passive voice
All Understand, Let’s learn,Try out, complete,keep in mind, Do you Remember,Activity of Book
Type of Questions -Fill in the blank ,Match the following , sentence making,Tick the correct answer passage Letter and Application,Essay Handwriting etc.

Class 7 EM
Maths – I (MM – 35)
1. Lesson -4 Rational Numbers (8M)
2. Lesson -7 Simple Linear Equations (8M)
3. Lesson – 8 Comparing Quantities (8M)
4. Lesson -16 Data Handling (8M)
Table – 3M (15 – 25)

Maths – II (MM – 25)
1.chapter 12 Visualising solid shapes (7M)
2.chapter 13 Congruence of triangle (8M)
3.chapter 14 Construction (10M)

Important Information
All Exercise
Maths in Action
Mental Maths
Value Based Questions
Inside Questions(Simple Linear Equations and Congruence of triangle )

Class 7 EM Science
Mona modern English medium school Sarangarh
Term-2 syllabus
Class-7 (MM-40)
Subject- Science-1

1. Lesson- 7 Climate and adaptation ( 8M)
2. ⁠ Lesson- 8 Soil ( 8M)
3. ⁠ Lesson- 9 Respiration in organisms ( 8M)
4. ⁠Lesson-10 Transport of substances in animals and plants ( 8M)
5. ⁠Lesson-16 water: A precious Resources (8M)

Note- Objective type questions, fill in the blanks, true and false, match the columns, very short type questions, short type questions, distinguish between type questions, long answer questions, skill builder, diagram based questions.

Class 7th science II (MM -20)
1.Chapter 12 Time and Motion (7M)
2.Chapter 14 Wind and storm (6M) {upto Distinguish between}
3.Chapter 15 Light (7M)

Inside Que (ch 15 Light )

*Important information*
*Choose the correct answer
*Fill in the blanks
*True false
*Match the column
*One word and 2 examples of each
*Diagram based Que
*All types of questions (short,long, distinguish)
*Skill builder
*Thinking like a scientist

Class 7 EM SSc.
1.Lesson no.15 Elements of weather and climate(3.5)
2.Lesson no.16 Atmospheric pressure and winds(4)
3.Lesson no.17 Humidity and Rainfall(3)
4.Lesson no.18 Water(3.5)
5.Lesson no.22 Life in Tropical and sub-tropical regions(4)
6.Lesson no.23 Life in the Temperate region(4)

Social and Political life
1.Lesson no.27 Government in the states(4)
2.Lesson no.28 Role of the state Government in distribution of resources(3)
3.Lesson no.31 Role played by Gender(4)
4.Lesson no.32 Unpacking Gender(3)

*Map work-Lesson 22 and 23
*Inside questions -Lesson 18



1. LESSON 6 cities traders and crafts people…. 5 mark
2. Lesson 7 development in tribal communities… 5 mark
3. Lesson 5 Architecture as Power…5 mark
4.. Lesson 4 The Mughal Empire… 5 mark
# MAP WORK (lesson 7)
# INSIDE ( lesson 4 development in tribal communities)

-Fill in the blanks
-choose the correct answer
-True and false
-Match the rows
-Extra question
-Very short questions
-Short question
-Long question
-Value based questions
-Analytical skill, Understanding skill,Fact files
-Map work, Diagram based questions, Picture study

Class 7 EM Sanskrit

Mona Modern English Medium School Sarangarh
Syllabus for Annual Exam 2023-24
*Class – 7 th* *Subject – Sanskrit*
Time : 3H MM. : 60
पाठ 7. प्रातः भविष्यति (5अंक)
पाठ 8. त्वं वृक्षः भविष्यसि(5अंक
पाठ 9. – कृषि कार्य करिष्यामि (5अंक )
पाठ 10. वर्षा ऋतुः आगमिष्यति (4अंक )
पाठ 11. सा ज्ञान यच्छति (5 अंक )
पाठ 12. यानेन जन्तु शाला चलामः (5अंक )
पाठ 13. वृक्षाय नम :(5अंक )
पाठ 15. वचनामृतम( श्लोक व अर्थ )
(4अंक )

*अपठित गद्यांश* – (3)
शब्दरूप – (5अंक )
वृक्ष , , लता , बालक

*पत्र लेखन (5)*
1.स्थानानान्तरण प्रमाण पत्र प्राप्तु प्रधानाचार्य प्रति – पत्रम लिखतु
2. मात्रे प्रति पत्रम

*निबंध लेखन(5)
– अस्माकं देशः / वृक्षाणां – उपयोगिता / – मम विद्यालयः
*वर्तनी* – (2)
*सुलेख* – (2)

Note ., शब्दार्थ , अभ्यास प्रश्न के सभी प्रश्न उत्तर श्लोक व अर्थ
Inside Questions will come lesson 11 and 12

Class 8 EM Hindi

*Mona Modern Eng. Med. School Sarangarh*
*Term – 2 Examination 2023-24 Syllabus*
*Class – 8th Subject – Hindi*
*अपठित बोध*
1. अपठित गद्यांश (2 अंक)
2. अपठित काव्यांश (2 अंक)

3. पाठ – 8 चतुर तोता (4 अंक)
4. पाठ – 9 दीपदान (4 अंक)
5. पाठ – 10 वीरों की पूजा (4 अंक)
6. पाठ – 11 नैसर्गिक सौंदर्य की धरती – कर्नाटक (5 अंक) (आतंरिक प्रश्न)
7. पाठ – 12 भिखारिन (4 अंक)
8. पाठ – 13 वीर अब्दुल हमीद (4 अंक)
9. पाठ – 14 कबीर – रहीम के दोहे (4 अंक)
10. पाठ – 15 सूर्यपुत्री यमुना (6 अंक) (आतंरिक प्रश्न)

11. पाठ – 13 समास (1 अंक)
12. पाठ – 17 कारक (1 अंक)
13. पाठ – 19 विशेषण (1 अंक)
14. पाठ – 21 काल (1 अंक)
15. पाठ – 23 अव्यय (1 अंक)
16. पाठ – 26 वाक्य विचार (1 अंक)
17. पाठ – 29 मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ (1 अंक)
18. पाठ – 41 पत्र – लेखन (4 अंक)
– (1.आपके मोहल्ले में अपराध बढ़ते जा रहे हैं। उनकी रोकथाम के लिए थाना अध्यक्ष को पत्र लिखिए।
2.आपके पिताजी का कुछ समय पहले ही आगरा ट्रांसफर हुआ है। घर का समाचार देते हुए पिताजी को पत्र लिखिए।)
19. पाठ – 42 निबंध – लेखन (6 अंक) – ( 1. विद्यार्थी और अनुशासन 2. आतंकवाद : एक चुनौती
3. समाचार पत्रों का महत्त्व )
20. वर्तनी (2 अंक)
21. सुलेख (2 अंक)
(Important Information – All tpye question, mcqs based, fill in the blanks, True/ false, very short question, short question, long question, language comprehension, hots based, Value base question, creation and expression, inside question will be come)

Class 8 EM Eng

Mona Modern English Medium School

Syllabus for Term 2 exam
Class – 8th Sub. – English

1. Lesson 8 – let’s go seed collecting! (8 marks)

2. Lesson 9 – Gravity(8 marks)

3. Lesson 10 – Oliver twist ( 7 marks)

4. Lesson 11 – the scavenger hunt (8 marks)

5. Lesson 12 – the Coromandel fishers (7 marks)

6. Lesson 13 – the stone cutter (8 marks)

7. Lesson 14 – the chocolate cream Soldier ( 7 marks)

8. Unseen passage – 5 marks

9. Handwriting – 2 marks

*Note* – word meaning, all types of questions answers ( comprehension, Context, literature based, think and answers, value wheel) , word wall , grammar gala, study stall, writing ring, tune in and talk , definition (Word wall and grammar gala)
* Inside question answer of lesson 9 Gravity and lesson 11 the scavenger hunt

Class 8 EM Eng Grammar

Mona Modern English Medium school Sarangarh
Term 2 Exam 2024 syllabus
Class- 8th
Subject- English Grammar MM.60

Chapter 1 Present simple/continuous-03
Chapter 2 Present perfect-03
Chapter 3 Simple past and Continuous -03
Chapter 4 Past perfect-03
Chapter 5: Expressing Future–02
Chapter 6 Active and Passive voice-05
Chapter 7 Determiners-03
Chapter 8 Sentence( PHRASE)-04
Chapter 9 Clause-04
Chapter 10 Types of sentence-04
Chapter 11 Narration 04
Chapter 12 Conjunction -1.5
Chapter 13 Interjection -1.5
•Narrative Writing (page no.156)-03

1.You have moved to a new locality and Joined a new school.Write a letter to a friend sharing with her the details of your experience in the new school.
2 Write an application to the principal seeking a character certificate since you would be relocating to a new city and would require the certificate for taking admission in a new school.

Chapter 12 Essay-06

Passage – Special Olympians page no.146- 04
Handwriting- 02

Note -Inside outside Questions Chapter Tense all and Active voice and Passive
All Understand, Let’s learn,Try out, complete,keep in mind, Do you Remember,Activity of Book
Type of Questions -Fill in the blank ,Match the following , sentence making,Tick the correct answer passage Letter and

Class 8 EM
Maths – I (MM – 35)
1. Lesson -7 Factorisation (8M)
2. Lesson -8 Linear Equations in one Variable (8M)
3.Lesson -9 Comparing Quantities (8M)
4. Lesson -10 Direct and Inverse Variation (8M)
Table – 3M (15-30)

Maths – II (MM – 25)
1.chapter 14 Mensuration (10M)
2.chapter 15 Introduction to graph (8M)
3.chapter 17 Basic Problem Solving (7M)

Important Information
All Exercise
Maths in Action
Mental Maths
Value Based Questions
Inside Questions(Linear Equations in one variable and Introduction to Graphs)

Class 8 EM Science
Mona modern English medium school Sarangarh

Term-2 syllabus
Class- 8 ( MM-40)
Subject- Science-1

1. Lesson-6 Conservation of plants and animals (7M)
2. ⁠ Lesson-7 Cell: structure and function( 7M)
3. ⁠ Lesson-8 Reproduction( 7M)
4. ⁠ Lesson-9 Age of Adolescence (7M)
5. ⁠Lesson-16 Stars and the solar system ( 7M)
6. Lesson-17 Human intervention in national phenomena (5)

Note- Objective type questions, fill in the blanks, true and false, match the columns, very short type questions, short type questions, distinguish between type questions, long answer questions, skill builder, diagram based questions, give two examples and one word.

Class 8th science II ( MM – 20)
1. Chapter 12 Sound (7M)
2.Chapter 13 Chemical effect of current (7M)
3. Chapter 14 Some natural phenomenon (6M) {upto Distinguish between}

Inside Que (ch 14 Some natural phenomenon)

*Important information*
*Choose the correct answer
*Fill in the blanks
*True false
*Match the column
*One word and 2 examples of each
*Diagram based Que
*All types of questions (short,long, distinguish)
*Skill builder
*Thinking like a scientist

Class 8 EM SSc.
1.Lesson no.18 Agriculture(4)
2.Lesson no.19 Industries (4)
3.Lesson no.20 India and the world-Case study(3)
4.Lesson no.21 Human Resource(3.5)
5.Lesson no.22 What is Disaster management (3.5)

Social and Political life
1.Lesson no.28 The making of laws(3)
2.Lesson no.29 The Judiciary(4)
3.Lesson no.30 Role of the police and the courts (4)
4.Lesson no.31 Social justice and Marginalized (3)
5.Lesson no.33 Economic presence of the Government(3)

*Map work-Lesson 18 and 19
*Inside questions -Lesson 21


1. Lesson 6 the revolt of 1857…. 4 mark
2. Lesson 7 education and British rule….4 mark
3. Lesson 8 women and reform…4 mark
4. Lesson 9 Challenging the caste system…3 mark
5. Lesson 10 colonialism and urban change….3 mark
6. Lesson 12 the nationalist movement…4 mark
7. Lesson 5 Crafts and industries….3 mark

# MAP WORK (lesson 12)
# INSIDE ( lesson 6 the revolt of 1857)

-Fill in the blanks
-choose the correct answer
-True and false
-Match the rows
-Extra question
-Very short questions
-Short question
-Long question
-Value based questions
-Analytical skill, Understanding skill,Fact files
-Map work,Diagram based questions, Picture study

Class 8 EM Sanskrit

Mona Modern English Medium School Sarangarh
Syllabus for Annual Exam 2023-24
*Class – 8th* *Subject – Sanskrit*
Time : 3H MM. : 60
पाठ 7. शिष्यः एकलव्य :5अंक
पाठ 8 . वनं गच्छति 4.अंक )
पाठ 9. विद्यालय उत आनंदालयः- (5अंक )
पाठ 10. पर्यटनेन लाभा:(5अंक )
पाठ 11. ज्ञानाय गच्छत :(5अंक )
पाठ 12. लोभात क्रोधः प्रभवति :(4.अंक )
पाठ 13. सुरभाषा:(5अंक )
पाठ 14.यदभविष्यो विनश्यति:(5अंक )

*अपठित गद्यांश* – (3)
शब्दरूप – (4 अंक )
किम . पुल्लिंग व स्त्रीलिंग
अस्मद व युष्मद
धातुरूप ( लङ्गलकार व लोटलकर) (3 अंक )
पठ धातु, अस धातु

*पत्र लेखन (5)*
विद्यालये प्रवेशा य प्रार्थना पत्रम /
शुल्क क्षमापनार्थ प्रधानाचार्य प्रति प्रार्थना पत्र

निबंध लेखन(5) कोई एक
1अस्माकं विद्यालयः
2.संस्कृत भाषायाः महत्वं
*वर्तनी* – (1)
*सुलेख* – (1)

Note ., शब्दार्थ , अभ्यास प्रश्न के सभी प्रश्न उत्तर श्लोक व अर्थ
Inside Questions will come lesson 9 and 10


Class 9 EM Hindi

*Mona Modern Eng. Med. School Sarangarh*
*Term – 2 Examination 2023-24 Syllabus*
*Class – 9th Subject – Hindi*
*अपठित बोध*
1. पाठ – 1 अपठित गद्यांश (4 अंक)
2. पाठ – 2 अपठित काव्यांश (4 अंक)

*व्यावहारिक व्याकरण*
3. पाठ – 3 उपसर्ग (1 अंक)
4. पाठ – 4 प्रत्यय (1 अंक)
5. पाठ – 5 समास (2 अंक)
6. पाठ – 6 वाक्य – भेद (2 अंक)
7. पाठ – 7 अलंकार (2 अंक)
*पाठ्यपुस्तक (क्षितिज)*
*गद्य खंड*
8. पाठ – 1 दो बैलों की कथा
9. पाठ – 2 ल्हासा की ओर
10. पाठ – 3 उपभोक्तावाद की संस्कृति
11. पाठ – 4 साँवले सपनों की याद
12. पाठ – 6 प्रेमचंद के फटे जूते
13. पाठ – 7 मेरे बचपन के दिन
( पढ़े हुए पाठ में से पठित गद्यांश – 4 अंक, प्रश्न उत्तर – 7 अंक)
*काव्य खंड*
14. पाठ – 9 साखियांँ एवं सबद
15. पाठ – 10 वाख
16. पाठ – 11 सवैये
17. पाठ – 12 कैदी और कोकिला
18. पाठ – 13 ग्राम श्री
19. पाठ – 15 मेघ आए
20. पाठ – 17 बच्चे कम पर जा रहे हैं
( पढ़े हुए पाठ में से पठित काव्यांश – 4 अंक, प्रश्न उत्तर – 7 अंक)
21. पाठ – 1 इस जल प्रलय में
22. पाठ – 2 मेरे संग की औरतें
23. पाठ – 3 रीढ़ की हड्डी
( पढ़े हुए पाठ में से प्रश्न उत्तर – 6 अंक)
24. पाठ – 8 अनुच्छेद लेखन (5 अंक)
25. पाठ – 9 पत्र लेखन (4 अंक)
26. पाठ – 10 लघु कथा लेखन (4 अंक)
*अथवा* 27. पाठ – 11 ईमेल लेखन
28. पाठ – 12 संवाद लेखन (3 अंक)
*अथवा* 29. पाठ – 13 सूचना लेखन
(Important Information – All tpye question, mcqs based, language comprehension, hots based, Value base question, creation and expression, inside question will be come)

Class 9 EM English

Mona Modern Eng Med School Sarangarh
Annual Exam Syllabus 2023-24
Subject : English Lang. & Lit.

Section A – Reading Skills (16 Marks)
1-I. Reading Comprehension through Unseen Passage (16 Marks)
1. Discursive passage . (8 marks)
2. Case-based passage (8 marks)
Multiple Choice Questions / Objective Type Questions will be asked to assess inference, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and vocabulary.

Section B – Writing Skills with Grammar
II. Grammar (10 Marks)
Subject – verb concord
Reported speech
• Commands and requests
• Statements
• Questions
III. Writing Skills (10 marks)
• 4. Writing a Descriptive Paragraph (word limit 80-100 words), describing a person / event/ situation, based on visual or verbal cue/s. One out of two questions to be answered. 5 marks
• 5. Writing a Story (on a given cue/title)/Diary Entry, in 100-120 words. One out of two
questions is to be answered. 5 marks
• Section C – Literature through Literature (24 Marks)
IV. Reference to the Context (3+3 = 6 Marks)
6. One extract out of two from Drama / Prose.
7. One extract out of two from poetry.
Multiple Choice Questions / Objective Type Questions will be asked to assess inference, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and vocabulary.
V. Short & Long Answer Questions
6×2=12 marks
1×6=6 marks
1. The Fun They Had
2. The Sound of Music
3. The Little Girl
4. A Truly Beautiful Mind
5. The Snake and the Mirror
6. My Childhood
7. Reach For The Top
8. Kathmandu
9. If I were You
1. The Road Not taken
2. Wind
3. Rain on The Roof
4. The Lake Isle of Innisfree
5. A Legend of The Northland
6. No Men Are Foreign
7. On killing a tree
8. A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal
1. The Lost Child
2. The adventures of Toto
3. Iswaran the Storyteller
4. In the kingdom of fools
5. The Happy Prince
6. The Last Leaf
7. A House is not a Home
8.The beggar

Class 9 EM Maths
Max marks -60

Unit 1 Number System [08Marks]
Chapter 1 Number System

Unit 2 Algebra. [ 15 marks]
Chapter 2 Polynomials
Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Unit 3 Coordinate Geometry. [03marks]
Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry

Unit 4 Geometry. [19marks]
Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclids Geometry
Chapter 6 Lines and Angles
Chapter 7 Triangles
Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals
Chapter 9 Circles

Unit 5 Mensuration [10marks]
Chapter 10 Heron’s Formula
Chapter 11 Surface Areas and Volumes

Unit 7 Statistics[ 05marks]
Chapter 12 Statistics

Note- MCQ based Question, Assertion And Reasons
VSA , SA and LA type Questin and Case based Question

Class 9 EM Science
Mona Modern English Medium School Sarangarh

Syllabus for annual exam 2023 – 24
Subject – Science
Class – 9th
M. M. – 60

Section – Chemistry
Chapter 01 – Matter in our surroundings – 05 marks
Chapter 2 – Is matter around us pure – 05 marks
Chapter 3 – Atoms and molecules – 05 marks
Chapter 4 – Structure of the atom – 05 marks

Section – Biology
Chapter 1 Fundamental unit of life : Cell….5 marks
Chapter 2 Tissue……5 marks
Chapter 3 Food Production…5 marks.
Chapter 4 Diversity in living organisms……5 marks

Section – Physics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Force and Laws of motion…..04 mm.
Chapter 3 Gravitation…04 mm.
Chapter 4 Work and Energy..04
Chapter 5 Sound……04 mm.
Note –
1.MCQ questions.
2. Assertion reason type questions.
3. Very short answer type questions.
4. Short answer type questions.
5. Long answer type questions.
6. Case based questions.
7. Numerical questions.
8. Diagram based questions.
9. Value based questions etc.

Class 9 EM SSC.
























Class 9 EM IT
Total 50 Marks
Part-A (Objective Type Question)
Ch 1 Communication Skill(2 marks)
Ch 2 Self management Skill(2 marks)
Ch3 ICT skill(2 marks)
Ch-4 Entrepreneurs Skill (2 Marks)
Ch-5 Green skill (2 Marks)
Part -B (Subjective type Question)
Ch-6 IT and ITes Industry (6 Marks)
Ch-7 Digital Documentation (5 marks)
Ch-8 Digital Documentation (10 Marks)
Ch-9 Electronic Spreadsheet (10 Marks)
Ch-10 Electronic Spreadsheet (9 Marks)

This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B.
. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions.
Out of the given (5 + 16 =) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10 =) 15 questions in the
allotted (maximum) time of 2 hours.
All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
i. This section has 05 questions.
ii. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
iii. There is no negative marking.
iv. Do as per the instructions given.
i. This section has 16 questions.
ii. A candidate has to do 10 questions.
iii. Do as per the instructions given.
iv. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.

Class 11 EM Hindi
Mona Modern English Medium School Sarangarh
Term-2 syllabus (2024)
Class- 11th EM
Subject- Hindi

1) अपठित गद्यांश- 10
2) अपठित पद्यांश- 5
5) पत्र लेखन- 5
6) संचार माध्यम -5
7) रचनात्मक लेखन -5
*गद्य खंड*
1) नमक का दारोगा- 1
2) मियां नसीरुद्दीन- 1
3) अपू के साथ ढाई साल- 2
4)विदाई संभाषण -1
5) गलता लोहा -2
6)जामुन का पेड़- 2
7) भारत माता -1
8) रजनी -2

*काव्य खंड*
1) कबीर के पद- 1
2) मीरा के पद- 1
3) घर की याद- 2
4) गज़ल -2
5)सबसे खतरनाक -1
6) आओ मिलकर बचाएं -2
7)चम्पा काले अक्षर नहीं चिन्हती-2
8) हे भूख मत मचल -2

1) भारतीय गायिकाओं में बेजोड़ : लता मंगेशकर- 1
2. राजस्थान की रजत बूंदे -2
3. भारतीय कलाएं -2

Class 11 EM Eng

Mona Modern Eng Med School Sarangarh
Annual Exam Syllabus 2023-24
Subject : English Core (301)

1. Reading Comprehension through Unseen Passages (10+8=18 Marks)
a. Passage 1 (Descriptive/ Literary) =10 Marks
b. Passage 2 (Case-based Factual) =08 Marks
2. Note Making & Summarising (08)
a. Note Making (05 Marks)
b. Summarizing (03)

SECTION B (Grammar and Writing)
1. Grammar (5 Marks)
a. Questions on Gap filling (Tenses, Clauses)
b. Questions on re-ordering/transformation of sentences
2. Creative Writing (16 marks)
a. Short Composition
Classified Advertisement (03 marks)
Poster Making (03 marks)
b. Long Composition
Speech/ Debate (5 Marks)

SECTION C (Literature)
1. Extract Based Questions (Poetry) = 03 marks
2. Extract Based Questions (Porose) = 03 marks
3. Short Answer Questions (Prose & Poetry)= (2X3=06 marks)
4. Long Answer Question Prose/Poetry/ Supplementary (06 Marks)

Hornbill Book
1. The Portrait of a Lady (Prose)
2. A Photograph (Poem)
3. “We’re Not Afraid to Die… if We Can be Together
4. Discovering Tut: the Saga Continues
5. The Laburnum Top (Poem)
6. The Voice of the Rain (Poem)
7. Childhood (Poem)
8. The Adventure
9. Silk Road (Prose)
10. Father to Son

Snapshots: Supplementary Reader
1. The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse (Prose)
2. The Address (Prose)
3. Mother’s Day (Play)
4. Birth ( Prose)
5. The Tale of Melon City

Class 11 EM Physics

Chp1. Units and Measurement.. (mm02)
Chp2. Motion in a straight line.. (mm02)
Chp3. Motion in a plane…(mm04)
Chp4. Laws of motion..(mm04)
Chp5. Work, energy and power..(mm04)
Chp6. System of particles and rotational motion.(mm.03)
Chp8. Mechanical properties of Solid( mm4)
Chp9. Mechanical properties of Fluid(mm4)
Chp10. Thermal properties of matter( mm4)
Chp11. Thermodynamics( mm04)
Chp12. Kinetic theory of gas( mm03)
Chp13. Oscillation( mm04)
Chp14. Wave( mm04)

Note – The question paper contains following types according to CBSE guidelines –
1. MCQ questions.
2. Assertion reason type questions.
3. Very short answer type questions.
4. Short answer type questions.
5. Long answer type questions.
6. Case based questions.
7. Numerical questions.
8. Diagram based questions.
9. Value based questions etc.

Class 11 EM Chemistry

Mona Modern English Medium School Sarangarh

Syllabus for annual exam 2023 – 24
Class 11th science
Subject – Chemistry
M. M. – 50

Chapter 1 – Some basic concepts of chemistry – 05 marks

Chapter 2 – Atomic structure – 06 marks

Chapter 3 – Periodic classification of elements – 05 marks

Chapter 4 – Chemical bonding – 06 marks

Chapter 5 – Thermodynamics – 06 marks

Chapter 6 – Equilibrium – 05 marks

Chapter 7 – Redox reaction – 05 marks

Chapter 8 – Organic chemistry – basic principles and techniques – 06 marks

Chapter 9 – Hydrocarbons – 06 marks

Note – The question paper contains following types according to CBSE guidelines –
1. MCQ questions.
2. Assertion reason type questions.
3. Very short answer type questions.
4. Short answer type questions.
5. Long answer type questions.
6. Case based questions.
7. Numerical questions.
8. Diagram based questions.
9. Value based questions etc.

Class 11 EM Biology

Syllabus for Annual Examination 2023-24
Class 11th Biology
UNIT 1. Diversity of living organisms…..12 MM.

UNIT 2. Structural Organisation in plant and animal….07 MM.

UNIT 3.Cell: structure and functions…..12 MM.

UNIT 4. Plant Physiology….…07 MM.

UNIT 5. Animal (Human) Physiology……12 MM.

Note – The question paper contains following types according to CBSE guidelines –
1. MCQ questions.
2. Assertion reason type questions.
3. Very short answer type questions.
4. Short answer type questions.
5. Long answer type questions.
6. Case based questions.
7. Diagrammatic questions.
8. Diagram based questions.
9. Value based questions etc.

Class 11 EM Mathematics

Max marks -60

Unit 1 Sets and Function (20 marks)
Chap 1 sets
Chap 2 Relation and function
Chap 3 Trigonometry Function

Unit 2 Algebra ( 18 marks)
Chap 4 complex Number and Quadratic Equations
Chap 5 Linear Inequalities
Chap 6 permutations and combination
Chap 7 Binomial Theorem
Chap 8 Sequence and Series

Unit 3 Coordinate Geometry ( 09marks)
Chap 9 Straight line
Chap 10 conic section
Chap 11 Introduction to 3D geometry

Unit 4 calculus. (08 Marks)
Chap 12 limits and Derivatives

Unit 5 Statistics and Probability. (05marks)
Chap 13 probability

Note- MCQ based Question, Assertion And Reasons
VSA , SA and LA type Question and Case based Question

Class 11 EM PE

SYLLABUS OF Physical Education.

Changing Trends and Career in Physical Education
Physical education and sports for CWSN-(children with special needs-Divyang)
Physical fitness,Health and Wellness
Test and Measurement and Evaluation
Fundamentals of Anatomy,Physiology in sports
Fundamentals of Kinesiology and Biomechanics in Sports
Psychology and Sports
Training and Doping in Sports

Theory 70+Practical 30=100 Total

Class 11 EM CS

Total Marks-50
Ch-1 Computer System overview(2 Marks)
Ch-2 Data Representation (2 Marks)
Ch-3 Boolean Logic(2 Marks)
Ch-4 Introduction to problem Solving(3 Marks)
Ch-5 Getting Started with Python (3 Marks)
Ch-6 Python Fundamental (6 Marks)
Ch7 Data Handling (4 marks)
Ch-8 Flow of Control (3 Marks)
Ch-9 String Manipulation (3 Marks)
Ch-10 List Manipulation (3 Marks)
Ch-11 Tuples (3 Marks)
Ch-12 Dictionaries (3 Marks)
Ch-13 Understanding Sorting (3 Marks)
Ch-14 Cyber Safety (4 Marks)
Ch-15 Online Access and Computer Security (3 Marks)
Ch-16 Society Law and Ethics (3 Marks)

Note-Unit I: Computer Systems and Organisation

Basic computer organisation: Introduction to Computer System, hardware, software, input device, output device, CPU, memory (primary, cache and secondary), units of memory ( bit, byte, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB)

Types of software: System software (Operating systems, system utilities, device drivers), programming tools and language translators (assembler, compiler, and interpreter), application software

Operating System(OS): functions of the operating system, OS user interface Boolean logic: NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, NOT, truth tables and De Morgan’s laws, Logic circuits

Number System: Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal number system; conversion
between number systems

Encoding Schemes: ASCII, ISCII, and Unicode (UTF8, UTF32)

Unit II: Computational Thinking and Programming – 1

• Introduction to Problem-solving: Steps for Problem-solving (Analyzing the problem, developing an algorithm, coding, testing, and debugging), representation of algorithms using flowchart and pseudocode, decomposition

Familiarization with the basics of Python programming: Introduction to Python, Features of Python, executing a simple “hello world” program, execution modes: interactive mode and script mode, Python character set, Python tokens ( keyword, identifier, literal, operator, punctuator), variables, concept of I-value and r-value, use of comments

Knowledge of data types: Number(integer, floating point,complex), boolean, sequence(string, list, tuple), None, Mapping(dictionary), mutable and immutable data types.

Operators: arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators, assignment operators, augmented assignment operators, identity operators (is, is not), membership operators (in not in)

Expressions, statement, type conversion, and input/output: precedence of operators. expression, evaluation of an expression, type-conversion (explicit and implicit conversion), accepting data as input from the console and displaying output.

Errors- syntax errors, logical errors, and run-time errors

Flow of Control: introduction, use of indentation, sequential flow, conditional and iterative flow

Conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif-else, flowcharts, simple programs: e.g.: absolute value, sort 3 numbers and divisibility of a number.

Iterative Statement: for loop, range(), while loop, flowcharts, break and continue statements, nested loops, suggested programs: generating pattern, summation of series, finding the factorial of a positive number, etc.

Strings: introduction, string operations (concatenation, repetition, membership and slicing), traversing a string using loops, built-in functions/methods-len(), capitalize(), title(), lower(), upper(), count(), find(), index(), endswith(), startswith(), isalnum(), isalpha(), isdigit(), islower(), isupper(), isspace(),Istrip(), rstrip(), strip(), replace(), join(), partition(), split() Lists: introduction, indexing, list operations (concatenation, repetition, membership and

slicing), traversing a list using loops, built-in functions/methods-len(), list(), append(),

extend(), insert(), count(), index(), remove(), pop(), reverse(), sort(), sorted(), min(), max(), sum(); nested lists, suggested programs: finding the maximum, minimum, mean of numeric values stored in a list; linear search on list of numbers and counting the frequency of elements in a list.

Tuples: introduction, indexing, tuple operations (concatenation, repetition, membership

and slicing): built-in functions/methods len(), tuple(), count(), index(), sorted(), min(), max(), sum(); tuple assignment, nested tuple; suggested programs: finding the minimum, maximum, mean of values stored in a tuple; linear search on a tuple of numbers, counting the frequency of elements in a tuple.

Dictionary: introduction, accessing items in a dictionary using keys, mutability of a dictionary (adding a new term, modifying an existing item), traversing a dictionary, built-in
functions/methods – len(), dict(), keys(), values(), items(), get(), update(), del(), del, clear(). fromkeys(). copy(), pop(), popitem(), setdefault(), max(), min(), sorted(); Suggested programs: count the number of times a character appears in a given string using a dictionary, create a dictionary with names of employees, their salary and access them. Introduction to Python modules: Importing module using ‘import ” and using from statement, importing math module (pi, e, sqrt(), ceil(), floor(), pow(), fabs(), sin(), cos(). tan()); random module (random(), randint(), randrange()), statistics module (mean(). median(), mode()).

Unit III: Society, Law and Ethics

Digital Society and Netizen: net etiquettes, communication etiquettes, social media étiquettes

Digital Footprints

Data Protection: Intellectual property rights (copyright, patent, trademark), violation of IPR(plagiarism, copyright infringement, trademark infringement), open source software and licensing (Creative Commons, GPL and Apache)

Cyber Crime: definition, hacking, eavesdropping, phishing and fraud emails, ransomware,

cyber trolls, cyber bullying

Cyber safety: safely browsing the web, identity protection, confidentiality

Malware: viruses, trojans, adware

E-waste management: proper disposal of used electronic gadgets.

Information Technology Act (IT Act)

Technology and society: Gender and disability issues while teaching and using computers

Class 11’EM Accounts

Introduction to accounting – 4
Basic accounting terms – 1
Theory base of accounting- 1
Bases of accounting- 1
Accounting equation – 4
Accounting procedures – 1
Journal – 7
Ledger – 1
Special purpose book I – cash book – 4
Special purpose book I – other books – 3
Accounting of GST – 1
Bank reconciliation statement – 4
Trial balance – 4
Depreciation – 7
Provisions and reserves – 1
Rectification of errors – 4
& 19. Financial statements – 7
20. Accounting of incomplete records – 5

Class 11 EM BST

1 Nature and Purpose of Business x5
2 Forms of Business Organisations x5
3 Public, Private and Global Enterprises x6

4 Business Services x4
5 Emerging Modes of Business x5
6 Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics x5

7 Sources of Business Finance x8
8 Small Business x6
9 Internal Trade x6
10 International Business x10

Class 11 EM Economics